Your Content.
Our Value &

Together we can create tailor-made courses related to shipping industry.

Our Services

Script Writing

Scriptwriting is a critical component of any eLearning course, as it sets the tone and provides the framework of a Course. We use our expertise to create on-demand, engaging, simple, and informative scripts that effectively communicate the content to the target audience. Once the script is final it will be the basis for the creation of engaging motion graphics, animations, and other visual elements to create the eLearning course.

Value & Expertise

With a Specialization in shipping, we consider ourselves being top-quality eLearning video and content creators. With years of experience in the industry, we know what it takes to create courses that are complete and unique. Our team works to understand, analyze and apply the needs and learning objectives and craft custom video content that speaks directly to your audience.

Review & Advise

We understand the challenges of the new generations and of shipping eLearning courses. Our team of experts will review your content and provide you with valuable feedback on how to improve it.


Provide us with content and we’ll recommend how to make it more engaging, structure your course for maximum impact, and deliver it effectively by applying the correct methodologies and technologies.

Graphic Design

Visuals matter to attract attention and convey information in an easy-to-watch course. That’s why our team of expert video creators specializes in top-notch graphic design. Whether it’s creating custom illustrations, infographics, or animations, we have the design expertise to elevate your eLearning courses to the next level and apply your brand style, creating visual content that aligns perfectly with your message and vision.

Visual Story Telling

Creating compelling narratives that capture the audience’s attention is our expertise. Whether through motion graphics, animation, live-action video, or real cases scenarios, we have the storytelling skills to make eLearning courses a valuable experience and a beneficial tool for learning.
